Four people were arrested by the Hyderabad City Cyber Crimes Unit for cheating someone out of Rs 87 lakh. The accused are Vincent Ibhaduwede, Shakil, Arvind Mishra, and Saifullah Khan, all from Mumbai. Another accused, Christopher, is still on the run. The police found one laptop and six mobile phones in their possession.
The victim in this case is a pharma researcher and manufacturer who was contacted by Christopher with a fake identity of Dr Arthur Williams. Christopher told the victim that he was in the business of dealing with medicines and pharma in the USA for Lexo Pharma and needed raw material (CissusPopulnea) from India. He introduced a fake raw material supplier to the victim and a fictitious person named Larry White as the Manager of Lexo Pharma company.
The victim was first asked to buy 3 packets of raw material for Rs 1,44,000. He gave these packets as a sample to someone in Delhi. Then, the victim paid Rs 87,45,000 to Siya Enterprises for a total of 200 packets of the raw material. Christopher sent the fake email, Vincent collected the money and sent it to Nigeria through Christopher’s brother, Shakil withdrew money and gave it to Vincent, Aravind withdrew money and gave it to Shakil, and Saifullah opened fake accounts for Siya Enterprises.
The police filed a case against them under section 66 (C) (D) ITA act 419, 420 IPC on May 16, 2023.