Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy has instructed officials to establish four dump yards in different parts of Hyderabad. These dump yards will be located far away from residential areas to prevent any health issues. Currently, there is only one dump yard in the city, located in Jawahar Nagar, which receives about 8,000 tonnes of garbage daily. This dump yard has caused problems for local residents due to air pollution and unpleasant odors.
Officials have identified new sites for dump yards in Shamshabad and Medak to reduce pollution. The Chief Minister has asked them to examine these sites and establish them without disturbing the local communities. He also suggested that 15 MW of electricity can be generated from garbage and asked officials to coordinate with TSSPDCL for this project. The government is committed to supporting the establishment of garbage recycling plants.
Additionally, the government plans to develop the Musi Riverfront in the first phase on a 55 km stretch. The entire area surrounding the Ring Road will also be developed, including the establishment of international level amusement parks, waterfalls, water sports for children, street vendors, business centers, and shopping malls with unique designs. The Chief Minister also proposed creating a tourism circuit by connecting historical buildings like Charminar, Golconda, Seven Tombs, and Taramati Baradari along the banks of the Musi river.
Entrepreneurs are invited to invest in these areas through a Public-Private Partnership (PPP) model. The government encourages investors to provide facilities for people to enjoy a pleasant atmosphere from 6 pm to 6 am. Officials have been instructed to build check dams, water fountains, and waterfalls in the Musi catchment area. The government will also support the construction of five-star hotels.