Chetla Rohit Sai, the founder of ‘Warranty Me’, started his business after a bad experience buying a mobile phone online. He noticed that the customer service was not helpful when he received a cracked phone. This inspired him to create ‘Warranty Me’, which acts as a bridge between companies and customers to address such issues. For his innovative idea, he received the Indian Achievers Award.
To use the app, users simply need to register and select the relevant option if their purchased item gets damaged. The information will be sent to the startup managers and service centres, who will then come and repair the item. The service centres are charged a nominal fee, not the users. Rohith partnered with over 200 shopping malls and portals across India to make this process easier for consumers.
Rohith’s hard work and determination have been recognized by various organizations. He was honored as the Entrepreneur of the Year by the Indian Achiever Forum in 2023. Within the first two months of starting his company, he received an acquisition offer from a US investor, but chose to focus on building his company instead. He worked with SRIX, a Department of Science and Technology incubator, and assembled a team of software developers and product designers.
Rohith’s leadership led Warranty Me to be recognized as one of the top 10 retail tech startups in India by the Retailer Association of India (RAI). He also showcased the potential of Warranty Me at TIECon 2020, the world’s largest entrepreneurship summit. Additionally, he has written a book called “You are a Zero” which has received praise.
As a renowned entrepreneur and author, Rohit Chetla has been invited to give guest lectures at esteemed institutions such as CMR University in Hyderabad. He holds a master’s degree from Rice University, known for its entrepreneurship program in the United States.
Rohith plans to expand his business to foreign countries like the UK in the near future. He aspires to be among the top successful businessmen in the country.