In Hyderabad, the SOT Madapur team and Rajendranagar police worked together to catch a drug peddler named Phodila Jaichand at P&T Colony in Sun City. They found 15 grams of MDMA worth Rs 2,25,000 with him. Jaichand is a young man from a good farmer family in Guntur district who studied BCA Computers at JKCC, Guntur and lived in a boys hostel in SR Nagar, Hyderabad.
Jaichand worked as an OLA driver in 2021 and had a sand supply business in Aminpur. He later joined Wipro but left the job in 2023 because he felt his income was not enough for a luxurious life. To make more money quickly, he started selling drugs. His friend Harsha from Bangalore introduced him to Vivek from Guntur district, who then introduced him to Sohan alias Sreedhar, a main supplier of MDMA studying at Presidency Engineering College in Bangalore.
A few months ago, Jaichand went to Bangalore, got two grams of MDMA from Sohan, consumed it himself, and then returned to Hyderabad. On March 26, he went back to Bangalore, bought 20 grams of MDMA, and came back the next day. He consumed five grams himself and tried to sell the remaining 15 grams before getting caught by the police.
Overall, Jaichand’s drug dealing operation was brought down by a joint effort from law enforcement.