Thiruvarangam Santhosh Kumar, a former member of the Legislative Council, has announced his intention to run for the Karimnagar constituency in the upcoming Assembly elections. He recently resigned from the BRS party after being a member for six years. Santhosh Kumar joined the BRS in 2018 after being invited by Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao to help achieve a “golden Telangana.” However, he felt that he lacked recognition and respect in the party, leading to his decision to resign. He plans to hold a meeting with supporters to discuss his future activities and announce his next steps.
Santhosh Kumar stated that he has a long history of public service, starting as a councilor in 1981. He is open to contesting from either the Congress or the BJP in the next assembly elections and has already been approached by leaders from both parties. However, he will ultimately make his decision based on the advice of his well-wishers.