Former Himachal Pradesh CM, Jai Ram Thakur, has urged the people of Telangana to be cautious about the Congress party’s false promises and guarantees in order to win the Assembly elections. Thakur addressed the media and stated that the Congress, after coming to power in Himachal Pradesh, failed to fulfill five out of ten promises made to the people. This includes the guarantee of a support price of Rs 2 per kg for cow dung, which has not been implemented even after a year.
Thakur further highlighted that the Congress promised to provide monthly financial assistance of Rs 1,500 to women above 18 years old in their first Cabinet meeting, but they have not fulfilled this promise in the past 12 months. Additionally, the guarantee of free power up to 300 units for domestic consumers was not met, and instead, people have been burdened with increasing tariffs. The promise of allowing apple-growing farmers to decide the sale price of apples also remains unfulfilled. Thakur criticized the State Cabinet for not implementing the new pension scheme as promised.
Shifting focus to the ruling BRS government, Thakur criticized them for exceeding all limits of corruption. He pointed out that KCR’s son, daughter, and nephew are all part of the government, reflecting the extent of corruption. Thakur questioned KCR on the implementation of “Dalit Bandhu” benefits and allocation of three acres of land to Dalits. Thakur also accused the BRS government of renaming Central schemes and taking credit for them without acknowledging PM Modi’s contributions.
Thakur expressed his disappointment with the current education sector in Telangana, stating that it is declining compared to its previous reputation for merit. He mentioned the TSPSC question paper leaks and the BRS government’s failure to provide promised unemployment allowances to the youth. In light of these issues, Thakur urged the people to vote against the Congress and ensure that those responsible for corruption and looting are held accountable.
Thakur concluded by appealing to the voters of Telangana to be cautious about the Congress party’s false guarantees and promises. He encouraged them to support the BJP and contribute to the country’s journey towards strength.