The Sri Akkanna Madanna Mahankali Temple, located in Haribowli, Shahalibanda, has formed a new committee. This was done in a general body meeting held on Sunday. The committee includes Ram Dev Agarwal as President, K Dattatraya as Secretary, A Satish Kumar as Treasury, and G Niranjan as patron. Dr A Bharat Prakash and G Raja Ratnam are advisors, while M Krishna, M Vinod Kumar, and Dr Prabhakar are vice presidents. SP Kranthi Kumar is the organizing secretary, and M Vijay Kumar, Jagmohan Prasad Kapoor, and Chetan Suri are joint secretaries. The executive members include A Vijay Kumar, A Gopal, G Srinivas, G Dinesh, G Raju, M Mukesh Yadav, Baswa Raju, and Lokesh Sugandhi.
Formation of Sri Akkanna Madanna Mahankali Temple Committee in Hyderabad
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