A team from the food safety department in Hyderabad recently inspected food outlets at Next Galleria Mall in Panjagutta and discovered multiple violations. Four outlets were raided: The Coffee Cup, The Nosh Bistro, The Spicy Beijing, and Dosa Darbar and Chat Republic.
During the inspection at The Coffee Cup, officers found expired shrimp, milk, and chilli paste, which were immediately thrown away. Coffee bean packets were missing important information like expiry dates and manufacturer details. Raw and semi-prepared foods were not properly labeled. Some dustbins were uncovered, and some food handlers were not wearing uniforms.
At Nosh Bistro, expired bread, burger buns, paneer, and curd were found. Raw materials like batter and momos were used past their expiration dates. Similar issues with labeling and storage were observed at Spicy Beijing. Medical fitness certificates for staff and pest control records were missing.
Dosa Darbar and Chat Republic was operating without a valid license. An expired registration certificate was displayed, and a cockroach infestation was found in the kitchen. Open dustbins were also noted.
This is part of a larger effort to inspect various restaurants, hotels, PGs, and supermarkets in Hyderabad for compliance with food safety regulations.