A fire broke out early Saturday morning in the IT hub of Madhapur, Hyderabad. It began around 6 a.m. in a bar-and-restaurant located on the fifth floor of the Sattva Elixir building in Salarpuria Sattva Knowledge City.
The fire is believed to have been triggered by a cylinder blast. The explosion caused the flames to spread to the fourth floor and also damaged a nearby building. This created panic among employees working at a software company close to the site.
Firefighters responded quickly to the incident. They evacuated the area and managed to bring the fire under control using four fire engines. Their swift action prevented the situation from escalating further.
Fortunately, there were no injuries reported in the incident. However, the property suffered significant damage. Authorities are currently investigating the cause of the fire, with initial reports pointing to the cylinder explosion as a possible reason.
This is the third fire incident reported in Hyderabad within a short period. On Friday, two separate fires occurred in the city. One broke out at a fabric store in Rajendranagar, likely due to a short circuit. The other happened at a pan shop in Secunderabad, possibly caused by a lamp.