A significant meeting between Chief Minister Revanth Reddy and leaders from the film industry is set to take place soon at the Command Control Center (CCC) in Hyderabad. Several well-known personalities from the industry have already arrived for the event. These include Dil Raju, Allu Aravind, Murali Mohan, Nagarjuna, Trivikram Srinivas, Harish Shankar, Koratala Shiva, Vashishta, Sai Rajesh, Boyapati Srinu, and C. Kalyan.
The meeting will be attended by a total of 36 members, led by producer Dil Raju. This group includes 21 producers, 13 directors, and 11 actors. In addition to these film industry representatives, important government officials such as Ravi Gupta, the Secretary of the Home Department, and DGP Jitender are also present.
The discussion is expected to focus on the recent stampede incident at Sadhya Theatre involving actor Allu Arjun. The participants will likely explore possible solutions and preventive measures to avoid such incidents in the future.