The Forum for Good Governance (FGG) has asked the Registrar General of Telangana High Court to bring the issue of setting up 55 Gram Nyayalaya to the attention of the Chief Justice of Telangana High Court and act quickly.
The Law Commission of India recommended the establishment of village courts (Gram Nyayalaya) in its 114th report to provide affordable justice to rural people. The Indian Parliament then passed the Gram Nyayalayalu Act in 2008. During a conference of Chief Ministers and Chief Justices on July 16, 2009, it was decided to enforce the Gram Nyayalayas Act on October 2, 2009, in honor of Mahatma Gandhi’s birth anniversary.
FGG President M Padmanabha Reddy mentioned that the Government of India pledged to cover all non-recurring expenses for setting up Gram Nyayalaya and half of the recurring expenses.