A huge crowd gathered to catch a glimpse of Allu Arjun, their favorite actor, who came to attend a function in Peddavoora. Allu Arjun inaugurated a new function hall built by his father-in-law, Kancharla Chandrasekhar Reddy, in Bhattugudem. The police had a hard time controlling the large number of fans and people from surrounding villages who came to see Allu Arjun. However, contrary to their expectations, Allu Arjun only congratulated his uncle and thanked the fans before leaving. He was accompanied by his wife and children.
Kancharla Chandrasekhar Reddy, Allu Arjun’s father-in-law, had previously contested in the 2014 elections but lost to another candidate. After the election, he became less involved in party activities in that constituency. However, he has been active in Nagarjuna Sagar and hopes to receive a party ticket for the upcoming elections. As part of his service activities, he constructed a function hall named Chandrasekhar Reddy Kancharla Convention. The hall can accommodate up to 1,000 people and will be rented out at a nominal price for weddings and other events.
During the inauguration of the function hall, sarees were distributed to women and lunch was arranged for 10,000 people. The event attracted a large number of BRS activists, fans, and people from surrounding villages. The police had to use baton-charge to control the crowd.