Two separate road accidents occurred in Hyderabad on Thursday night. In one incident, two people on a motorcycle were attempting to pass a car on Sainathpuram road in Neredmet when they collided with a TSRTC bus coming in the opposite direction. The victims suffered head injuries and were pronounced dead at the scene. The Neredmet police took the bodies to Gandhi Hospital mortuary.
In another incident, a truck collided with a two-wheeler carrying a family of three in Langar Houz. The truck driver, who was allegedly driving at high speed, lost control of the steering and hit the family from behind. The 18-year-old daughter, Syed Nasreen Begum, died on the spot, while her father and younger sister were seriously injured. The father, Syed Ghouse, is a construction worker and the younger sister, Syed Nameera Begum, is a sixth-grade student. They were taken to nearby hospitals for treatment. The police have taken the truck driver, Venkataiah, into custody and filed a case against him.