In Choutuppal, trouble arose in Pedakonduru village when officials seized a borewell belonging to award-winning woman farmer Vakita Rajitha Reddy. The seizure was made under the WALTA Act after a complaint was filed against Vakita.
Vakita, a dedicated farmer who has received the ‘Best Woman Farmer’ award multiple times at the state level, is now caught in a dispute over borewells. She expressed frustration at being singled out for WALTA Act enforcement, questioning why her borewell was seized based on a single complaint.
She argued that applying the WALTA Act without evidence could lead to the end of agricultural bores in villages, leaving farmers unable to grow crops. Despite lacking proof that her borewell caused any harm to the complainant, Vakita and her husband are seeking justice with support from village elders.
Vakita and her husband had leased four acres of land in addition to their own four acres for farming using natural methods without chemicals. The bore they dug on the leased land was successful, but a neighboring farmer complained that it violated regulations by being too close to their borewell.
Efforts to resolve the issue through mediation failed, leading to the seizure of Vakita’s borewell by authorities. She reopened it briefly before facing further intervention. Vakita is questioning why the WALTA Act is only being applied to her and is calling for fairness in the process to avoid harming farmers’ ability to cultivate crops.