In a video conference led by Agriculture Minister Tummala Nageswara Rao, farmers in Gadwal district requested a 10-acre limit for the Rythu Bharosa Scheme. The Minister discussed the implementation of the scheme and suggested a 5-acre limit, with surplus funds going to small and marginal farmers.
During the meeting, some farmers emphasized the importance of timely insurance funds, especially with abundant rains and the Kharif season underway. They expressed concerns about the previous government exploiting farmers, regardless of their land size, under the Rythu Bandhu scheme. Farmers urged the Congress government to ensure that the Rythu Bharosa Scheme benefits those genuinely involved in agriculture.
Many farmers believed that those who pay taxes and own more than ten acres of land do not need insurance. They advocated for providing insurance to tenant farmers, though some argued this could disadvantage original landowners.