Hyderabad has changed a lot over the last 30 years from being a quiet city with only a few places to visit, like Birla Mandir and Tank Bund. Now, there are many more tourist attractions, like the Secretariat, Ambedkar Statue, Telangana Martyr’s memorial, and the musical fountain in Hussain Sagar lake. These places are very popular and people love to visit them on weekends. Some people think it’s great that Hyderabad has become a major tourist city, but others worry that people might litter and damage the beauty of these places.
One man named Premraj said that when he was a child, he used to walk all the way from Ranigunj to Tank Bund just to see Birla Mandir. But now, there are so many more things to see and learn about, like the Ambedkar Statue which shows a glimpse of Dr. B.R. Ambedkar who made our Constitution. Another visitor named Akhil said that he is thrilled to see Hyderabad changing with the times and becoming a major tourist hub. He thinks that the new attractions will help future generations learn about their history and culture.
It’s amazing to see how Hyderabad has become one of the most visited cities in India. Ramu, who has lived in Hyderabad for 50 years, says that after Ramoji Film City and Tank Bund, the new attractions have become major reasons for tourists to come to the city. These developments have also helped create new jobs for street vendors who sell their goods to visitors.
Overall, people are very excited to see Hyderabad grow and change with the times. They hope that visitors will respect these places and keep them clean and beautiful for future generations to enjoy.