The Chief Minister of Hyderabad, K. Chandrashekar Rao, announced that the State government has a plan to extend the Metro Rail connectivity around the city. The project is estimated to cost over Rs 69,000 crore and will be completed in the next three to four years. The goal is to reach a total of 415 kms of Metro Rail connectivity.
During the Independence Day celebrations at Golconda Fort, the CM mentioned that the Metro Rail facility will be expanded by connecting all the junctions around the Outer Ring Road (ORR) and directly reaching the airport.
The CM also highlighted the efforts to make Hyderabad a global city. The State government has invested Rs 67,149 crore in the Strategic Road Development Programme (SRDP) to make Hyderabad a signal-free city. They have constructed 42 main roads, flyovers, underpasses, and ROBs.
Additionally, the State government has completed the construction of 22 link roads at a cost of Rs 275 crore. They are also working on an action plan to reduce traffic in Hyderabad through various initiatives.