Hyderabad: In a joint effort, the Special Task Force (STF) and the Excise Police carried out an operation on Thursday, arresting five individuals involved in selling ganja. Officials also seized 1.120 kg of the illegal substance during the raid.
The arrests were made after the police received a tip-off about ganja being sold at the residence of one of the accused, Rekha Bai, located in Upper Dhoolpet. Acting on the information, the team swiftly planned and executed the operation.
Among those apprehended were Shobha Bai, Rekha Bai, Malathi Bai, Aruna Bai, and Sunny. However, another suspect, identified as Poonam Bai, managed to escape and is currently on the run. Authorities are continuing their efforts to locate and detain her.
The operation was led by STF team leader Nandyala Anji Reddy in coordination with Dhoolpet Excise Police Station Circle Inspector Madhu Babu. Sub-inspectors Gopal, Lalitha, and Bhaskar Goud, along with head constables Bhaskar Reddy, Azim, and Sridhar, and constables Prakash, Rakesh, and Mahesh, also played crucial roles during the raid.
Enforcement Director VB Kamalasan Reddy praised the excise officers for their dedication and teamwork in tackling illegal drug activities in the area. He commended their efforts in curbing drug trafficking and protecting the community.