Former MLA Rathod Bapu Rao from Boath constituency in Telangana left the BJP to join the Congress on Monday. He joined in the presence of Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy and State Minister Seethakka. Bapu Rao, who was elected in 2014 and 2018, left the BJP after not receiving a re-nomination for the November 2023 Assembly elections.
Bapu Rao’s decision to join the Congress is expected to strengthen the party in Boath, which is one of the seven Assembly segments under the Adilabad Lok Sabha constituency. In the recent elections, the BRS candidate Anil Jadhav won the Boath seat, defeating Adilabad MP Soyam Bapu Rao of the BJP by over 22,000 votes.
Adilabad was one of the four Lok Sabha seats won by the BJP in Telangana in 2019. The BJP did not give a ticket to the sitting MP and instead fielded former minister Godam Ganesh. The party won four out of seven Assembly seats in the parliamentary constituency, with BRS securing two seats and Congress winning one seat.