Former Minister Niranjan Reddy has strongly criticized the recent arrest of MLC Naveen Kumar Reddy, former MLA Ravula Chandrasekhar Reddy, and Ala Venkateswara Reddy. These leaders were taken into custody for participating in Patnam Narender Reddy’s protest march (padayatra) against the acquisition of farmland for a pharmaceutical industry in the Kodangal constituency.
The police arrested the leaders and took them to the Kottakota police station in Wanaparthy district. This move led to a strong reaction from Niranjan Reddy and other supporters. After visiting the detained leaders at the police station, Reddy addressed the crowd, accusing Revanth Reddy of siding with corporate interests instead of supporting local farmers.
Niranjan Reddy condemned the arrests, calling them illegal. He emphasized that the detained leaders were fighting for the welfare of farmers and vowed to continue their struggle. “We will stand up and fight for the people who have been detained,” he declared.
Many prominent individuals were present at the gathering, including former Z.P. Vice Chairman Vaman Goud, former M.P.P. Maunika, and District Media Convenor Nandi Malla. They all voiced their anger over the police actions and showed their support for the ongoing protests by farmers in the region.