The Supreme Court in New Delhi will hear a plea on May 8 challenging the Bihar government’s decision to release Anand Mohan, a former MP who was serving a life sentence for the 1994 murder of G Krishnaiah, a district magistrate. The widow of the slain officer sought an urgent hearing. Mohan was released from jail on April 27, following an amendment to Bihar’s prison rules. The petitioner argued that life imprisonment means incarceration for the entire natural course of life and should not be mechanically reduced to just 14 years. Mohan’s release followed an April 10 amendment to the Bihar Prison Manual, which removed the restriction on early release of those involved in killing a public servant on duty. Critics claim this was done to benefit Mohan, a Rajput strongman, who could add heft to the grand alliance led by Nitish Kumar in its fight against the BJP.
Ex-Bihar MP’s premature release plea to be heard by SC
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