Tourism Minister V Srinivas Goud recently inspected the embankment and dam of Errakunta pond in Ganesh Nagar, Mahabubnagar district. The dam, which had been closed for many years, will be restored. Additionally, a new canal will be built up to Vijay Mohan Reddy petrol pump at a cost of Rs.1 crore. The construction will be carried out on a priority basis.
Present during the inspection were Municipal Chairman KC Narsimhulu, Rythu Bandhu Samiti District president Gopal Yadav, Gorela Koparla Welfare Association District president Shanthanna Yadav, Municipal Vice Chairman Ganesh, Market Committee Vice Chairman Giridhar Reddy, RDO Anil Kumar, Municipal Commissioner Pradeep Kumar, Irrigation DE Manohar, Councillors, officials, and public representatives.