Minister for Panchayat Raj and Rural Development Errabelli Dayakar Rao spoke at the Palakurthi Constituency Plenary and said that Telangana has developed a lot in the last nine years under K Chandrasekhar Rao’s leadership. The Panchayat Raj Ministry has won many national awards, which shows that rural parts of Telangana are developing. Errabelli asked people to compare Telangana’s welfare and developmental programmes with those of other Indian states. He criticized BJP State President Bandi Sanjay for asking for Rs 20,000 compensation per acre for farmers who lost crops due to rain and hailstorm. The KCR Government already announced Rs 10,000 compensation per acre, and Errabelli demanded that Bandi Sanjay show which BJP-ruled state provides such compensation. If Bandi Sanjay cares about the farmers, he should ask the Centre to provide another Rs 10,000 per acre, Errabelli said.
Errabelli said that people should not be fooled by the saffron party, which is ruining the country. He said that India needs Telangana’s model of development instead of Gujarat’s. The BRS will continue with the slogan of Abki Baar Kisan Sarkar, meaning that it is the farmers’ government.