Warangal Urban Cooperative Bank Limited chairman and senior BJP leader Errabelli Pradeep Rao criticized the BRS government for trying to win over people with promises like Dalit Bandhu and BC Bandhu. He accused the ruling party of not fulfilling their election promises and showed concern for the problems faced by the people. Pradeep Rao also claimed that the government is more focused on land grabbing and settlements rather than creating employment opportunities for the local youth. He mentioned that the Kakatiya Mega Textile Park, which was initiated in 2017, has not been operationalized yet, depriving people of potential job opportunities.
Pradeep Rao further highlighted that even though Warangal was included in the Smart Cities Mission by the BJP-led Centre, the State Government has failed to release its share of funds. He criticized the poor condition of roads and drainage systems in the city due to the negligent approach of GWMC. He stated that even a small amount of rainfall leads to waterlogging in many colonies. In light of these issues, Pradeep Rao expressed that people are turning towards the BJP for solutions.
During his address to party cadres in the 35th Division of the Greater Warangal Municipal Corporation (GWMC), Pradeep Rao invited at least 100 individuals to join the BJP, assuring them that the party will take care of its members. Other BJP leaders like Pittala Venkanna, Chintala Naveen, Chintam Raju, Bhupathi Krishna, and Md Yakub were also present at the event.