Minister for Panchayat Raj and Rural Development, Errabelli Dayakar Rao, addressed the party cadres of the BRS at Thorrur on Sunday. He mentioned that the BRS treats its members like family and provides insurance coverage of Rs 2 lakh for social security. With nearly one crore memberships, the BRS is one of the largest parties in the country. Errabelli praised the leadership of KCR and KTR, stating that Telangana has made significant progress under their guidance. He also highlighted the successful implementation of welfare schemes and development programs by the KCR Government, making Telangana an example for other states. Errabelli assured party workers that their efforts would be rewarded with suitable positions and urged them to spread awareness about the government’s welfare schemes. Despite efforts by opposition parties to tarnish its image, the BRS continues to attract a large number of new members every day.
Errabelli overwhelmed by the massive response to BRS
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