Minister for Panchayat Raj and Rural Development, Errabelli Dayakar Rao, celebrated Bathukamma as part of Bonam festivities at TSK Thanda in Palakurthi constituency on Sunday. Speaking at a meeting in Pedda Vangara, Rao stated that those who opposed him in the Palakurthi constituency have faded into obscurity. He emphasized the responsibility of the people to protect their leaders who work for them. Rao credited K Chandrasekhar Rao’s leadership for the transformation of Telangana and accused the Congress and BJP of exploiting the country’s assets.
Rao took pride in the overall development of the Palakurthi constituency and highlighted his focus on women empowerment. He mentioned the ongoing tailoring training programs for women and the distribution of free sewing machines to them. Additionally, he announced an upcoming mega job fair on September 8 in Thorrur to provide employment opportunities to rural youth.
Referring to his opponents in the elections, Rao referred to them as mere tourists in politics and urged the people not to concern themselves with these individuals. He assured the public that he is committed to their welfare and has even used his own funds through the Errabelli Dayakar Rao Charitable Trust. Rao also invited everyone to attend the re-installation ceremony of Sri Sita Ramachandra Swamy idols at Valmidi on September 4.
During the event, the minister distributed linkage loans worth around Rs 7 crore to 114 self-help groups of Sri Tulasi Mahila Samakya. He also distributed an additional Rs 2 crore to SHGs under Stri Nidhi.