In Hyderabad, there are rumors that former minister Errabelli Dayakar Rao might join the BJP, following some key leaders defecting to Congress. However, Errabelli denied these rumors, stating that he is committed to working for his party under KCR’s leadership. He believes that such rumors are aimed at weakening the party in certain constituencies.
Errabelli expressed his frustration with false propaganda being spread against him and criticized those who switch parties for personal gain. He also commented on the phone tapping controversy involving former SIB DSP Praneet Rao, stating that he does not know him and believes there is pressure on Praneet to implicate others.
Regarding the Congress party’s 100-day rule, Errabelli claimed that their promises have not been fulfilled and criticized Revanth for dishonesty. He remains dedicated to serving his party and dismissed any plans of joining BJP.