Efforts are being made to build a Mini Textile Park in Kodakandla, Palakurthi constituency. The Minister for Panchayat Raj and Rural Development, Errabelli Dayakar Rao, spoke with officials to plan the park based on the existing one in Sircilla. The weaving community in the area has been migrating to other places due to a lack of textile units. The Chief Minister and the MA&UD Minister agreed to establish the park to stop these migrations. All the clearances for the park have been received, and land has been acquired. The park will provide employment opportunities for locals, and the first phase is set to be completed by September of this year.
The Errabelli Dayakar Rao Charitable Trust will continue the ongoing training program in tailoring for women in Palakurthi constituency. Currently, 3,000 women are being trained in a three-month program funded by the Society for Elimination of Rural Poverty (SERP) and Stree Nidhi. The trust chairperson, Errabelli Usha, plans to continue the tailoring scheme after the ongoing project. The trust aims to train 10,000 women under its corporate social responsibility (CSR).