ENT doctors at a government hospital in Nagarkurnool district center performed surgery on an 18-year-old boy named Chandu who had a stuck tongue since birth and was unable to speak. Chandu’s parents sought help when he reached adulthood and was still unable to talk. They consulted ENT medical experts at District General Hospital in Nagarkurnool.
Assistant professor of the ENT department, Dr. Bharadwaj, along with his team, successfully operated on Chandu’s tongue, freeing him from his condition. Chandu’s parents were overjoyed by the results of the surgery. Despite the lack of special facilities in the ENT department at Nagar Kurnool District Hospital, Dr. Bharadwaj was praised for his successful surgery.
The surgery not only gave Chandu the ability to speak properly but also provided him with a normal life. Dr. Gayatri and other medical professionals were also involved in the surgery, working together to help Chandu overcome his speech impediment.