Hyderabad: Mission Bhagiratha engineers are responsible for supplying drinking water and maintaining the pipelines, said Panchayat Raj principal secretary Sandeep Kumar Sultania. He instructed officials to fix pipeline leaks or bursts promptly to restore water supply on the same day or face consequences.
Sultania conducted a state-level meeting with Mission Bhagiratha chief engineers, superintending engineers, and executive engineers at the Mission Bhagiratha Engineer-in-Chief office. He emphasized the engineers’ duty to provide drinking water to every village and house, urging them to repair any leaks or bursts immediately. The engineers were also advised to maintain a regular supply of drinking water up to the required standards. Sultania warned them to act responsibly and cooperate with Panchayat secretaries to chlorinate overhead tanks in villages daily.
The principal secretary stressed the importance of addressing complaints about drinking water supply promptly and taking corrective action. He also highlighted the need to maintain existing village infrastructure like hand pumps, single-phase motors, and scheme bores, using local water sources in emergencies.
Overall, Sultania urged Mission Bhagiratha engineers to be proactive in ensuring uninterrupted water supply and to work closely with local authorities to meet the community’s needs.