The Enforcement Directorate has added a new dimension to the ongoing investigation into the Telangana State Public Service Commission (TSPSC) paper leak issue. On Tuesday, the agency asked the Special Investigation Team (SIT) to provide information on eight issues, suspecting that money laundering may have occurred in the Papergate scandal. The ED has served notices to two TSPSC officials and sought permission from the City Civil Court to interrogate the two main accused, Praveen and Rajashekhar Reddy. Additionally, the government has been requested to furnish details on the SIT’s involvement in the case. The ED has called upon two TSPSC officials to explain how the computer network was maintained and how confidential information was shared. The agency also plans to question Praveen and Rajashekhar Reddy; they have requested permission from the court to record their statements via phones and computers while in jail. The ED suspects that large sums of money were exchanged between the accused and those who took the exams, including NRIs from the USA and New Zealand. It is believed that there was a nexus between ruling party leaders, the accused, and the exam-takers. Meanwhile, the SIT has submitted a report to the Telangana High Court, stating that 17 people have been arrested so far, including TSPSC officials. The SIT revealed that the employees involved in the Pagergate scandal attended the Group 1 exam without permission from higher authorities at the Commission. The SIT is confident in its ability to handle the case and does not believe it needs to be handed over to the CBI.
Enforcement Directorate requests 8 specific points from SIT for investigation purposes
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