Telangana Health Minister, T Harish Rao, visited Care Hospital in Banjara Hills on Thursday to pay his respects to the late Telangana folk singer, Sai Chand. Sai Chand tragically passed away due to a cardiac arrest. Harish Rao was emotional upon seeing the singer’s mortal remains.
Sai Chand fell ill during his visit to his farmhouse in Karukonda, which is located in the Bijinepalli Mandal of Nagar Kurnool. Concerned for his health, his family immediately took him to a nearby private hospital for medical attention. However, his condition worsened, and he had to be transferred to Care Hospitals in Gachibowli, Hyderabad. Despite the efforts of the medical staff, Sai Chand passed away while undergoing treatment.
Sai Chand was a renowned singer and also served as the Telangana Warehousing Corporation Chairman. He was one of the notable student leaders of the second Telangana state movement. He suffered a heart attack at his farmhouse in the early hours and was brought to a private hospital for treatment. Unfortunately, he could not survive due to the severity of the heart attack. Condolences are pouring in from various leaders, including BRS Supremo and CM KCR, who expressed profound shock at Sai Chand’s passing.