The Election Commission of India (ECI) has seized Rs 34 crore in Amaravati since the election schedule was announced. Inspection teams found illegal assets like Rs 11 crore in cash, Rs 7 crore worth of liquor, and Rs 10 crore in gold and silver jewelry.
Enforcement efforts have led to the filing of 3,300 First Information Reports (FIRs) related to cash, liquor, and the seizure of vehicles involved in election malpractices. The EC has received 5,500 complaints through the c-vigil app since the election schedule was released.
CEO Mukesh Kumar Meena stated that the ECI has resolved 3,040 election-related issues and received 1,600 complaints about hoardings and flexi materials violating the electoral code. Additionally, 107 complaints have been filed against violations of the Election Code.
The EC also received 43 complaints about unauthorized use of vehicles in election campaigns. Specific grievances include complaints about religious propaganda, cash distribution, and liquor distribution. These complaints highlight various election-related malpractices being addressed by authorities.