The Enforcement Directorate (ED) conducted search operations at 11 locations in and around Hyderabad under the Prevention of Money Laundering Act (PMLA) related to irregularities in the Operation Mobilization (OM) Group of Charities. They investigated based on an FIR filed by Telangana CID against the OM Group for raising around Rs. 300 crore from foreign donors.
The funds were raised in the name of providing education and meals to Dalit children in Good Shepherd Schools. However, the funds were diverted for unauthorized purposes. The CID found that fees collected from students were put into fixed deposits instead of being used for their education.
The investigation uncovered suspicious transactions showing diversion of funds and multiple properties owned by key members of the OM Group across different states. Foreign funds received under FCRA were diverted to other group entities as loans. Office bearers were also found to be employed as consultants with shell entities.
Searches at key office bearers’ premises and head office led to the recovery of incriminating documents, digital devices, and records of clandestine transactions. Properties suspected to be acquired from illegal proceeds were also identified. Further investigation is ongoing in the case.