Former minister and BJP MP candidate from Malkajgiri, Eatala Rajender, made some shocking comments about the phone tapping case in Telangana. He claimed that he was the first victim of phone tapping in the state, stating that not only his own phone but also those of his family members, driver, and cook had been tapped. Rajender also accused former CM KCR of not trusting even his own cabinet ministers, alleging that KCR listened in on their conversations, including private ones between spouses.
Rajender demanded a thorough investigation into the phone tapping scandal, expressing his dismay at how it had caused homes to collapse and disrupted people’s lives. He criticized the practice as undemocratic and painful for the citizens of Telangana. Rajender also accused the BRS party of holding an inauguration ceremony with defeated MLAs and claimed that the current Revanth Reddy government was following the same pattern.
Having been expelled from the BRS party, Rajender expressed gratitude to the BJP for welcoming him. He confidently stated that the BJP would secure more than 12 MP seats in Telangana in the upcoming elections.