In Hyderabad, the Cyberabad police arrested 10 people, including the son of a BJP leader, for having and using cocaine at the Radisson Blue Hotel in Gachibowli. The Cyberabad Special Operation Team (SOT) and Gachibowli police worked together on this operation. During the raid, the police found three plastic bags with cocaine residue, white paper used for drugs, and three mobile phones.
The individuals arrested included Gajjala Vivekanand, who is the director of Manjeera Group of companies, his son Yoganand Gajjala, who is a BJP leader in Telangana, and others named Syed Abbas Ali Jeffery, Nirbhay, Kedhar, and six more. The police received information about drug use by Vivekanand and his friends and conducted the raid based on this information.
After finding evidence at the hotel, the police arrested Vivekanand at his home in Jubilee Hills. He admitted to hosting a party with cocaine at the hotel. Vivekanand tested positive for drugs during a medical examination. The investigation is ongoing to identify drug dealers and other users involved in the case.