Ramagundam Commissioner of Police Rema Rajeshwari IPS (DIG) launched drone patrolling at Vemanapally ferry point under Nilwai Police Station in Mancherial on Sunday. This initiative is part of the efforts to prevent any extremist activities and ensure peaceful elections. The Pranahita river catchment area of the Telangana-Maharashtra border has been equipped with special surveillance. Constables have received special training to operate the drone patrol unit and monitor the movements of Maoists. This drone patrolling will continue until the completion of the general elections.
The police department is responsible for ensuring a safe and peaceful environment for the people in the border areas to exercise their right to vote. Tight security arrangements have been made in the three assembly constituencies of Mancherial district, especially in the polling locations. Following the guidelines of the Election Commission of India, a three-way security system has been established in these polling stations. Central forces such as CRPF, CISF, and Jharkhand Armor Battalion have been deployed for election duties in the Commissionerate.