Dr. K Laxman, a BJP Rajya Sabha member, stated that after the Lok Sabha elections, a double engine government will likely be established in Telangana. He emphasized that BJP has no intention of toppling the current Revanth Reddy government, but also noted that they cannot save the government if it falls. Responding to Revanth Reddy’s claim that BJP leaders are planning to overthrow their government, Laxman warned Congress MLAs to be cautious.
Laxman questioned the necessity of the Congress party in Telangana, asserting that it has lost its presence across the country and will continue to decline. He criticized Rahul Gandhi as a failed leader and highlighted Prime Minister Modi’s unmatched position in the opposition. He urged people to support BJP in the upcoming Lok Sabha elections to pave the way for a double-engine government in Telangana, aiming to break the cycle of family, hereditary, caste, and corrupt rule.
In conclusion, Laxman called on the public to join BJP for a new era of governance in Telangana, emphasizing the need for change and progress in the state’s political landscape.