India’s Union Minister of State for Science and Technology, Dr Jitendra Singh, highlighted the country’s achievements in space during its G20 Presidency. He emphasized Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s mantra of ‘One Earth, One Family, One Future’ as the core of India’s leadership in the G20. Dr. Singh mentioned that all space-faring nations should work together as part of the global world.
Dr. Singh also mentioned that the G20 Summit is happening at a time when PM Modi is recognized as a global leader. He highlighted India’s recent accomplishments in space, including landing a spacecraft on the far side of the moon and the success of its Covid vaccine research. He stated that these achievements are being hailed worldwide.
Dr. Singh emphasized that India is ready to lead in various areas, including the space sector. He stated that for future scientific endeavors, especially in space, all countries need to come together. He stressed that further growth would require extended integration and be technology-driven.
Regarding India’s space program, Dr. Singh mentioned that it is on par with leading space agencies worldwide. He highlighted India’s Chandrayaan missions and how they have contributed to scientific discoveries about the moon. He stated that Chandrayaan-3’s landing on the South Pole of the moon is highly anticipated by the global scientific community.
Dr. Singh also mentioned the technology-driven agreements signed during PM Modi’s recent visit to the United States. He highlighted ISRO’s successful satellite launches for foreign countries and the growth of India’s space economy. He stated that India’s space applications are utilized in various sectors, including smart cities, transportation, telemedicine, and governance.
Lastly, Dr. Singh praised PM Modi’s disaster management capabilities and how space research has contributed to disaster forecasting and management. He mentioned that these applications have helped save more than the investments made in space missions.
In conclusion, Dr. Jitendra Singh highlighted India’s achievements in space and emphasized the need for global cooperation in the space sector. He also mentioned India’s leadership in various sectors and its growing space economy.