Former MP and BJP leader Dr Boora Narsaiah Goud has expressed shock over the recent chaos in the Parliament. He pointed out that the incident occurred on December 13, which is the same day terrorists attacked the Indian Parliament 20 years ago. Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Home Minister Amit Shah, and Lok Sabha Speaker Om Birla have ordered an inquiry into the incident, and the investigation is currently underway to determine the role of those involved in planning and executing the attack.
Dr Goud criticized the excuse given by the five people arrested so far, who claimed unemployment as their motive for the attack. He highlighted that most of the individuals apprehended were over 35 years old and had previously participated in anti-government protests. The burning of mobile phones to destroy evidence also raised concerns for Dr Goud, who called for a thorough investigation. He questioned how the opposition parties could demand a statement from Home Minister Amit Shah without allowing the probe agencies to complete their work and submit a report to the government.
Dr Goud expressed doubts about whether there is a conspiracy to tarnish the image of the BJP-led central government. He questioned if the color spray attack on the Parliament is connected to other anti-government protests or if it is an attempt by the Congress and its allies to divert attention from their recent election defeats in Rajasthan, Chhattisgarh, and Madhya Pradesh. He also raised concerns that those behind the attack may be trying to create chaos in the Parliament to prevent their roles from being exposed.
As a medical doctor, Dr Goud reassured people not to be scared of the rising cases of the new variant of Covid-19 in Kerala and Karnataka. He emphasized that vaccination provides necessary immunity but advised people to take precautions such as wearing masks, isolating themselves if they have symptoms, and seeking medical advice. He also urged the Telangana State government to take the alerts seriously and follow the guidelines issued by the Centre to ensure preparedness for any unforeseen events.