Indian investigative agencies are questioning the case of Seema Haider, a Pakistani woman, but there is no evidence yet to prove her alleged connections to Pakistan or its intelligence agency. After being interrogated for 16 hours over two days, the UP ATS suspects that she may be trying to mislead them.
Although she appears confident and answers most questions boldly, her responses have raised concerns and put the ATS and other agencies on high alert. There are also suspicions that she may be receiving guidance from someone within India. The UP ATS has received significant information about this case from the Intelligence Bureau (IB).
During the investigation, the people who helped Seema Haider reach her village in Noida have not been identified. The ATS also discovered that she sent friend requests to several military officers. Seema revealed during questioning that she bought a mobile phone in Pakistan before coming to India, costing around 70,000 Pakistani rupees. The ATS asked if she was advised to be cautious while messaging and chatting on the phone.
In the intense interrogation, another important revelation came to light when the ATS asked Seema Haider about her use of codewords. In Pakistani intelligence’s coded language, “Fufi” refers to someone who provides the ISI with information about their own country. Similarly, the codeword “Fruit” is often used for money. When asked about her familiarity with these codewords, Seema denied knowing Urdu or its usage in Pakistan. However, her statements raised doubts due to her fluency in Hindi and her ability to use complex Hindi vocabulary, which is usually difficult to acquire without formal education.
Meanwhile, during the interrogation, Seema Haider presented her mobile phone bill for May 8th as evidence. Interestingly, it was found that on the same day, she was issued a passport. Just two days later, on May 10th, she left Pakistan. The investigation into Seema Haider’s claims and activities is still ongoing, with agencies working diligently to uncover the truth.