D K Aruna, the BJP MP candidate from Mahabubnagar, criticized Chief Minister A Revanth Reddy for his recent comments made during a visit to Kodangal. Aruna warned Revanth Reddy about becoming arrogant with power and reminded him that power is not permanent for anyone. She cautioned him against following in the footsteps of KCR and asserted that nobody has the right to criticize her. Aruna emphasized her track record of working for the welfare of farmers and people, focusing on public welfare rather than positions.
Challenging corruption allegations against her family for Revanth Reddy’s political agenda, Aruna demanded evidence and questioned the actions taken against a candidate poised for victory. She questioned Revanth Reddy’s political maneuvers during the recent assembly elections and criticized his party’s tactics. Aruna reiterated the right of every individual, regardless of party affiliation, to seek a ticket and highlighted the importance of voters’ rights in the democratic process.
Regarding development matters, Aruna highlighted her contributions to Kodangal’s progress and criticized Revanth Reddy’s governance. She pointed out discrepancies in development efforts, contrasting her achievements with Revanth Reddy’s purported failures. Aruna also addressed broader issues such as her efforts in Gadwal’s horticulture development and fasting for farmers’ rights. She cautioned against divisive language, comparing Revanth Reddy’s rhetoric to that of KCR.
The BJP MP candidate demanded that the Chief Minister reveal if he had brought engineering college, medical college, nursing college to Kodangal, and how many children are studying in them. She criticized Revanth for false claims of developments that did not materialize on the educational front in Kodangal region. Aruna stated that if elected as MP, she would bring funds for the Palamuru-Ranga Reddy project and ensure the completion of the Krishna to Vikarabad railway line by obtaining approvals from the central government.
In conclusion, Aruna urged Revanth Reddy to fulfill his responsibilities as Chief Minister and advised him to refrain from divisive rhetoric. She encouraged him to focus on implementing the Congress party’s 6 guarantee schemes promised to the people rather than playing politics for petty electoral gains.