District SP Rohit Raju IPS hoisted the national flag at the District SP office to celebrate Telangana Independence Day. He extended his best wishes to the people of the district, police officers, and staff. Raju emphasized the importance of maintaining a peaceful environment for development to thrive. He assured that strict action will be taken against any disruptive forces and promised equal services to all without bias. Raju urged officers and staff to work diligently to enhance the reputation of the police department through improved services.
The event was attended by Additional SP Operations T. Saimanohar, Trainee ASP Vikrant Singh IPS, DSPs Rahman, Satish Kumar, Mallaya Swamy, CIs Venkateswarlu, Nagaraju, Karunakar, Ramesh, Sivaprasad, Satyanarayana, Mutyam Ramesh, RIs Sudhakar, Ravi, Narasimha Rao, Krishna Rao, Lal Babu, Nageswara Rao, ESL, Police Office Officials, and other police personnel.