District SP Gaikwad Vaibhav Raghunath announced that six convicts were sentenced in Kalwakurthy Police Station in Nagar Kurnool district in 2020. This came after a petition from victim Cheruku Lakshmamma and her son Vamsi Krishna.
The case, known as the Bhumi Panchayat Case Crime No. 34/2020, involved several charges under the Indian Penal Code. The Kalwakurthy Assistant Sessions Judge Sridevi sentenced the six individuals from Yangampally Village, Kalwakurthy Mandal. The convicts were Chimmula Parvath Reddy, Chimmula Jangareddy, Venkatreddy, Polam Sultan Madavareddy, and Edma Sandeep Reddy.
Each of the six members was sentenced to two years in prison and fined ₹2,000. District SP Gaikwad Vaibhav Raghunath praised the efforts of the Kalwakurthy CI, SI, and Court Duty Officer for ensuring that justice was served.