On International Anti-Drug Day, Sri Sathya Sai District SP Madhav Reddy IPS led a rally and awareness program in Hindupuram town. He urged young people to avoid drugs and focus on building a bright future. In his speech, SP Madhav Reddy discussed the negative impacts of drug addiction on individuals and society. He emphasized the role of parents in guiding their children away from drugs and towards their dreams.
The SP also highlighted the harmful effects of drugs on physical, mental, and social well-being, leading to crimes and even death. He reiterated the government’s commitment to eradicating drugs from the state and called for collective effort. SP Madhav Reddy warned against the consequences of drug abuse and promised strict action against suppliers. He encouraged students to report any drug-related activities to the police.
During a pledge-taking ceremony, students vowed to reject drugs and work towards a brighter future for themselves and their community. The event was attended by police officials, town residents, and students, showing a strong commitment to creating a drug-free society. The program served as a reminder of the importance of collective action in combating drug abuse and ensuring a safe and prosperous future for youth.