The Chief Secretary of Hyderabad, Santhi Kumari, has told the District Collectors to finish planting trees by the second week of September as part of the Haritha Haram program. Santhi Kumari reviewed the progress of different government welfare schemes through a video conference with the District Collectors. The meeting covered topics such as the conclusion of the Swatantra Bharata Vajrotsavam celebrations, Haritha Haram for Telangana, DasabdhiVanaalu, sheep distribution, financial assistance for BCs and minorities, Gruhalakshmi, Dalit Bandhu, land distribution, social security pensions, compassionate appointments, and regularizing notary lands.
Santhi Kumari commended the District Collectors for successfully planting over one crore saplings as part of the Swatantra Bharata Vajrotsavam celebrations. She also mentioned that a new government order (GO 84) has been released for the regularization of notary lands and encouraged a widespread campaign to receive applications for this scheme. Additionally, she emphasized the need to quickly process and regularize the received applications. The Chief Secretary also mentioned that under GO 59, measures should be taken to collect the fixed amount for regularization from those who have received notices. Lastly, she urged for the immediate completion of compassionate appointments.
The video conference was attended by various officials including MA&UD Special Chief Secretary Arvind Kumar, Animal Husbandry Special Chief Secretary Adhar Sinha, PCCF Dobrial, Revenue Principal Secretary Naveen Mittal, BC Welfare Principal Secretary B. Venkatesham, Youth Services Principal Secretary Sailaja Ramaiyer, Roads and Buildings Secretary Srinivasa Raju, SC Development Secretary Rahul Bojja, GHMC Commissioner Ronald Rose, Transport Commissioner Jyoti Buddha Prakash, CDMA Pamela Satpathy, Panchayat Raj & Rural Development Commissioner Hanumantha Rao, Finance Senior Consultant Siva Shankar, and secretaries from different departments.