A meeting was held in Nagar Kurnool district court premises on Saturday to organize the second National Lok Adalat scheduled for June 8, 2024, as per the directives of the State Legal Service Authority. District Chief Justice D Rajesh Babu chaired the meeting and addressed police officials, highlighting the success of previous Lok Adalats in settling a large number of cases in the district, including 8287 compromises.
The Chief Justice emphasized the importance of collaboration between police officers and judicial officers to resolve more cases through the upcoming National Lok Adalat. He noted that such settlements not only save time and money for both parties but also contribute to societal well-being by fostering harmony and happiness among all involved. The police officials were urged to encourage communities to seek compromises and work towards resolving all pending cases.
Efforts were also directed towards engaging Excise, Vigilance, and Electricity officials in resolving compounding cases. The District Judicial Service Authority Secretary G Sabitha, along with other judicial officers and district police officials, expressed optimism about the success of the upcoming National Lok Adalat on June 8. The event was attended by various court staff members and officials, including Devika and Kesava Reddy.