In Nagarkurnool, the Nagar Kurnool Lions Club donated a 500-liter water tank to the Sri Pabbati Anjaneyaswamy Temple behind the old Ravi Teja College. The tank was handed over by former Governor Radhakrishna, who attended as the Chief Guest.
Former Governor Radhakrishna explained that the tank was given to the temple priest Ajay Sharma to store the abhishekam water used by devotees for the recently installed panchayat Shiva Lingam in the temple. He also mentioned that temples, schools, and other organizations serving the public can reach out to Lions Club members if they need water tanks, as this is an ongoing service program.
The event was attended by Club president Ramakrishna Reddy, former governor Radha Krishna, and former presidents Dodla Rajavardhan Reddy and Theppa Srinu.