In Nagar Kurnool, the district education department officials began distributing textbooks and notebooks to students when schools reopened on the 12th of this month. DEO Govinda Rajulu kicked off the book distribution program from Test Books Godown in Nagar Kurnool district center to various mandals in the district.
Textbooks for students in government schools from class 1 to class 10, as well as notebooks and extra-curricular books, are being sent to the MEO offices in the mandal center. DEO Govindarajulu stated that all textbooks will reach the mandal centers within two days, and they should be distributed to school HMs beforehand for distribution to students upon school reopening.
Badibata is set to begin on the 6th of this month. District Test Books Manager Kurumaiah, Supervisors Nagender, Teacher Venkateswara Shetty, and staff Sunil and Sai attended the program.