The Telangana PCC president, A Revanth Reddy, has accused Chief Minister K Chandrashekar Rao and his son, IT and Industry Minister KT Rama Rao, of handing over the maintenance of the Dharani portal to a private firm, IL&FS, which has caused harm to the security of land data. Reddy stated that IL&FS is handling all land transactions in the state through the portal, and that it is bankrupt and in losses. He also claimed that Aadhaar and PAN details collected through Dharani were going into foreign hands.
Reddy pointed out that the Odisha government had also launched a similar project in 2008, which was also handed over to IL&FS. He said that the CAG had given a report stating that there were several mistakes made when using the Dharani portal, and that Dharani should be thrown in the sea. Reddy alleged that all lands were given to Sridhar Raju.
The TPCC chief maintained that around 25 lakh transactions have taken place through Dharani, worth an estimated Rs.50,000 crore. He alleged that this amount is not going to the government account, but instead is deposited in the account of Sridhar Raju’s company. Reddy said he would lodge a complaint with probe agencies against Dharani soon.